Jajotopáta Paraguay
Well as my time here comes to a close, its time to say jajotopáta.

Jajotopáta to Capilla Cué, my community, my home for two years. I lucked out with such a beautiful site.

Jajotopáta to the nature here, to the valleys, hills and streams that I could lose myself into.

Jajotopáta to all the animals. To all the cats and dogs, cows and chickens and all the wildlife, that inspired me, and reminded me how wonderful it all is.

Jajotopáta to all the people that welcomed me. To the host families that took me in until I could get my own footing. To those who shared meals and terere with me, and invited me to their celebrations.

Jajotopáta to all the students that asked me to teach them English and photography. To the profes that asked me to help with their classes. Jajotopáta to the ones that spent their free time with me, listening to music, philosophizing about life, talking late into the night.

Thank you for the memories.
Jajotopáta Paraguay.