Planting Trees

Every few months all the environmental volunteers meet up to get additional training. José, my youth contact, came with me to a Peace Corps Project Design Management meeting in Atyra.

Capilla Cue Jose Filling Out Travel Form
My youth contact José, filling out project forms
Atyra Main Building
Marianela Event Center at Atyra
Atyra Kathleen Teaching
Learning from our sister G
Atyra More Guarani Lessons
Breaking down a project into simple parts.

This was Jose’s first ever exposure to planning out a project, and together we brainstormed several things that we could do when we got back. One of those ideas was to plant a few trees in our community’s main plaza.

Capilla Cue Painting Tree Boxes
Capilla Cue Jose Nery Painting Tree Boxes
José and Nery preparing tree boxes to protect the future trees
Capilla Cue Nery Painting Tree Boxes

After José built the tree boxes, I petitioned the NGO Todo Pulmon to donate a few local saplings, and then we worked with my 6th grade gardening class to plant them.

Capilla Cue 6th Grade With Jose
José doing the digging
Capilla Cue 6th Grade Tree Planting
Students doing the planting
Capilla Cue 6th Grade Watering Tree
and watering
Capilla Cue 6th Grade Planting Trees

It was a good project for both myself and José, and now we’ve got some motivation to tackle something bigger..

Capilla Cue Trash in Forest

