Staging: Its Go Time
I’m heading off to Miami in just a few hours. The anticipation has been killing me and I’m starting to understand why patience is such a common theme in RPCV stories. One of my short term solutions has been going out on meditation retreats near Fort Collins. I think I’m starting to get the hang of it and I have actually found myself sitting for hours now just watching the clouds. Though I still have a tinge of guilt when I realize I’ve spent all day sitting around outside. So I’ve tried to be objective with this and play around with the timelapse feature on my camera.
Anyways, I’ve realized that I’m not a writer, not yet at least. And with the time demands of Pre Service Training coming up I think I’m going to push my focus to pure photography. Hopefully I’ll post some pictures soon!
The Endless Summer

There’s nothing like tubing down a river on a 95-degree day. Thankfully the Poudre is just a 30 minute drive away.
50 Nations

Time goes by so fast in the months leading up to staging! I’ve just been so busy practicing Spanish and getting final medical clearance (As a tip for new volunteers, go to a USA-ICD Dentist for a free dental exam and check your local VA Hospital to see if they offer a free physical).
In between doctor visits I’ve been reflecting on goal two of the Peace Corps, which is “Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.” How do I show Paraguayans American culture?
The Heart Of South America

Its amazing how quickly your motivation can change. One moment you’re mechanically going through another chapter of Rosetta Stone, the next your heart is starting to race as you realize that in less than four months you’re going to be 5000 miles away, learning how to speak two new languages so that you can help protect one of the last great wilderness areas left in the world.