Paraguay Verde V

Last month we had our big environmental summer camp where we, through a variety of means, try to inspire youth to be more conscientious about the environment. This was my second time, but it was a whole different experience as it was my G’s turn to run it. Everyone had their part and I decided to help the media team with documenting the camp. I also brought along my youth contact Nery, whom I shadowed to film his experience.

The participants listened and interacted with a variety of speakers, representatives, and NGOs. They also learned how everyday trash can be recycled into something cool or useful.

Used plastic bags >> Jump rope

Old wine bottle >> Glass cup

Empty soda bottles >> Race car

Pieces of bamboo >> Pan flute

Paraguay Verde has a lot of different facets to it. It’s about fostering a conservationist spirit in the youth, showing them how to see things in different ways, showing them that there are plenty of things they can do as individuals, and showing them that there are lots of like-minded people out there trying to do amazing things. And it’s also about creating connections, friendships, ones that will hopefully last far beyond the camp.
The after movie I compiled with the help of Kelsey through two sleepless nights for the last day of camp. Also with the help of Jason T. for all of the filmed shots including the intro clips, transition videos, and group photos at the end. And Demi with all the fun black and white photos used in the third act. Also Alicia, Aubrey (and her parents!), Brooke, Jason S., Molly, and of course Rocio from Todo Pulmon, all provided many fantastic shots used in the video. Both videos can be found on the Paraguay Verde youtube.