Welcome to Paraguay!
Three weeks of photos, here is a glimpse of life as a Peace Corps Trainee.

We hit the ground running. Within a few hours of arrival we were bused to our host families.

I’m living in a community called Cumbarity, along with 11 other volunteers. The walk to our nearby language school takes ~30 minutes, ~45 minutes to get to the bus stop, and ~1 hour 20 minutes to get to the PC training center in Guarambaré

One of my host sisters, Anita. And then there’s our huge extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins

Peace Corps training is a nonstop barrage of language classes, tech courses, and security briefs:

We made a demo garden at our language school. Many of our homework assignments involve treasure hunts and interviews. Below are some photos from an excursion into Guarambaré’s markets to learn more about locally available plants.

This view is from our backyard. My host family has about a square kilometer of land which they use for farming and grazing.

Despite being landlocked we have beaches here. This one is 30 minutes away by car in Villeta, a port city on the Rio Paraguay.

My only free day is Sunday, which is today. I’ve spent about half of today getting to Guarambaré to finally upload these pictures, and now I need to head back to finish my laundry. There’s so much more I want to show, but I just don’t have the time to describe everything! (But if you want to see more go here!)