The Heart Of South America

Its amazing how quickly your motivation can change. One moment you’re mechanically going through another chapter of Rosetta Stone, the next your heart is starting to race as you realize that in less than four months you’re going to be 5000 miles away, learning how to speak two new languages so that you can help protect one of the last great wilderness areas left in the world.
A few days ago I received an email from PC headquarters titled “Invitation” I hesitated for one second, opened it and read “Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that we invite you to begin training in Paraguay.”
I’m going to the heart of South America as an Environmental Conservationist and will be working with Paraguayans to promote environmental awareness. I’m there to inspire them to take action.

I’ve been given a long list of things that I should do (on top of rewriting my resume, aspiration statement, applying for a new passport, getting my visa, getting glasses, and all the medical checkups) to prepare for training. One of them is “If you are not physically active, you should start walking.”

I’m so glad it’s finally begun!