B-Roll – Capilla Cue

Capilla Cue - Host brothers Lucas, Oscar, and Ramon showing me the Chololo Arroyo

Capilla Cue - Host siblings and neighborhood boys hiding from the rain under a bridge

Capilla Cue - Childrens choir at host fathers church

Capilla Cue - Cat pile

Capilla Cue - My host brother Lucas playing with a sparkler on New Years Eve

Capilla Cue - Chickens fighting

Capilla Cue - The river walk

Capilla Cue - Balneario Pinamar

Capilla Cue - Balneario Pinamar river

Capilla Cue - Balneario Pinamar main pool

Capilla Cue - My host family from Cumbarity; they came up to visit then took me to Balneario Pinamar

Capilla Cue - American corn bread, southern ice tea, for my site presentation

Capilla Cue - Wedding of one of my host brothers

Capilla Cue - Just Married

Capilla Cue - Drying clothes

Capilla Cue - Mulching food for the cows

Capilla Cue - Kitten

Capilla Cue - On the micro

Capilla Cue - Water test results, pretty clean

Capilla Cue - Beer bottle cap

Capilla Cue - Chololo waterfall

Capilla Cue - Host father Don Clementino welding

Capilla Cue - Valentin, one of my Colegio students

Capilla Cue - Nelly Ortiz cooking various corn breads during Semana Santa

Capilla Cue - Host brothers playing volleyball

Capilla Cue - Osmar sharpening the machetes

Capilla Cue - View from my bed

Capilla Cue - Javier

Capilla Cue - Ali

Capilla Cue - Burning trash

Capilla Cue - Nery and Javier painting the tree boxes

Capilla Cue - Installing new window bars on my home

Capilla Cue - San Juan Festival cooking food for the guests

Capilla Cue - Virgin of Caacupe brought to Capilla Cue church

Capilla Cue - Virgin of Caacupe brought to Capilla Cue church

Paraguari - Mingo trying to repair the Capilla Cue Micro

Paraguari - Mingo calling for help to repair the Capilla Cue micro

Capilla Cue - Ali wearing my helmet and glasses in front of drying corn

Capilla Cue - Don Crispolo and his mother on her 100th birthday

Capilla Cue - Meat off the BBQ

Capilla Cue - Photography crew at the birthday party for Don Crispolos mother turning 100

Capilla Cue - Lucas Paredes ahecha practice

Capilla Cue - Pink flowers

Capilla Cue - Paraguari downhill

Capilla Cue - Paraguari downhill

Capilla Cue - Ruta Piribebuy-Paraguari near Mbatovi

Capilla Cue - My guard dogs Tuko and Lassie